We are an Early Excellence Partner School 2024-25


Religious Education (RE)


At Bugle School, we follow the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus to deliver our R.E. Curriculum.  The syllabus was updated in Spring 2020 and has three principal aims: making sense of beliefs; understanding the impact; and making connections.  We encourage children to learn about religions so that they have an understanding of other cultures and beliefs as well as looking at how these beliefs are reflected in their own lives.  This enables the children to make links between the religions that are studied as well as their own beliefs and way of life.  During our R.E. lessons we build an environment based on understanding and respect.  During their time at Bugle School, children will be taught about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism as well as non-religious cultures and the relationship between R.E. and Scientific beliefs.

Bugle School
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