Mrs Ferris
Year 3/4 Teacher
Miss Anna McNally
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Torres
Teaching Assistant
Mr Baglow
Teaching Assistant
Welcome back to the second half of Spring Term 2025! We hope that you've had a lovely break with your families. Your teacher is Mrs Ferris. Your teaching assistants will be Miss McNally, Mrs Torres and Mr Baglow. We are excited to work with you all.
Through the Spring Term, in maths, we will focusing on: Multiplication and division, length and perimeter. and fractions We will also have a daily arithmetic session in the afternoon, where we will focus on times table teaching and a fluency focus.
We have lots of exciting content that we will study together this term. In our History lessons we will be learning about Ancient Egyptians and their greatest achievements. In Art we will be developing our understanding of mixed media and in PSHE we will learn all about 'Rights and Respect'.
Our P.E. lessons will be on Friday so please make sure that your P.E. kit is in school.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your child, please do come and see us.
We look forward to welcoming you back to school and to the rest of the Spring Term Year 3/4.