Ms Atkins
Year 1/2 Teacher
Miss De-La-Mare
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Davies
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to the Spring term in Year 1/2. We hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas break and are excited to start the new term. Mrs Davies and Miss De La Mare will continue to support your class teacher, Ms Atkins.
We have some exciting cross curricular content planned this term. In science, we will begin to learn about animals, including humans. We will learn about exercise, different food types and staying clean and hygienic. We will learn how to keep ourselves safe in our day-to-day lives, as well as online when we use technology. We will also think about how technology has changed over the years. We will continue our work about Toy Man and use the story that we already know, to begin to write non-chronological reports.
On Wednesday’s we will have PE, so remember your PE kit. Please make sure that everything that you bring to school is clearly named. On Fridays, we will have our weekly Spelling Challenge.
We very much look forward to welcoming you into the classroom at 8.45am, ready to start the school day promptly.