Mrs Jenkins
Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Cocks
Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Williams-Hill
Teaching Assistant
Mr Croke
Teaching Assistant
Hello Year 4/5!
We hope that you have had a wonderful Summer with your families. Mrs Jenkins will teach you on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Cocks will teach you on a Wednesday morning, Thursday and Friday! We will be supported by Mrs Sturtridge, Mrs Hill, Miss Rowe, Mrs Bilea and Mrs Wood.
We are going to start our year of exciting topics by exploring Space in science; Russia by Rail in Geography and understanding what life is like for Muslims in Britain today. We will also be learning to speak French as well as developing our understanding of our relatioinships with others in P.S.H.E.. We will start the year advancing our understanding of different aspects of grammar during our English lessons and will be exploring the text 'Harriet Versus the Universe' in our Reading Comprehension lessons. We will spend time exploring the music of 'The Beatles' and learning how to complete vector drawings in Computing.
We will have P.E. (hockey) on a Friday this half term, so please make sure you have the appropriate outdoor clothing and school P.E. kit ready for these lessons!
If you have any questions about this year, please ask.