We are an Early Excellence Partner School 2024-25


At Bugle School we value the input our parents have on their child's progress. Homework is an essential way to build on the learning of our pupils. The impacts of the COVID pandemic have meant that we need to be able to use technology more fluently to ensure we have access to online learning. Therefore all classes will be setting weekly homework using either Tapestry or Google Classroom. Teachers will set tasks linked to different curriculum subjects each week. The work will be complete, handed in and marked using this online platform.
In addition to the online platform there will still be some activities which will be sent home on paper. Each week your child will receive a paper copy of a mathematics sheet focusing on basic fluency skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.) They will also receive a set of spellings to learn. These will link to the statutory word lists for their age group. Finally there will be an expectation that all children will be heard read a minimum of 5 times a week.

Bugle School
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